For 6 people
10 cups chicken stock
Get it to a rolling boil. Add some bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper.
700 grams ground chicken
1 piece bread soaked in milk
1 egg
1 tablespoon finely minced onions
Salt and pepper
Mix everything together, form into 12 meatballs and drop into the stock. Cook through, remove from stock and put on a platter.
2 cups quartered potatoes
2 cups cut carrots (same size as the potatoes)
Remove when cooked, arrange on platter.
1 can garbanzos
Heat through, drain, arrange on the platter.
2 cups green beans, cut in half (ends removed)
Cook in the stock. Drain and arrange on platter when cooked, but still crisp.
3 cups cabbage, cut in big pieces
Cook in the stock, drain and arrange on platter.
When everything is cooked, add 1/2 cup of Spaghetti noodles (cut to 1inch pieces) to the stock, and cook to make a noodle soup. Adjust seasoning.
For the tomato sauce:
Sauté 1 chopped onion
6 cloves minced garlic
250 ml tomato sauce
2 bay leaves
Salt and pepper
A complete meal! You have the noodle soup to start, your protein from the chicken meatballs and the garbanzos, your starch from the potatoes, fiber from the cabbage, and carrots and green beans as your vegetables. The tomato sauce adds a lot of rich flavor to the soup, and is also a great source of lycopene.